Minor Breaking Change in the Fulfillment API
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Ifeelgoods
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Jun 26, 2015 - 18:40 CEST
In an effort to constantly improve our API and provide a frictionless Reward Delivery Service, we have decided to make a small change on the fulfillment service when retrieving an already issued reward code.

Today the operation "POST /fulfillment/v2/promotions/{id}/rewards/{sku}/redemptions/actions/redeem" is responding a 409 Conflict status when requesting a reward using the same Order ID. This forces the client to look up the redemption with this Order ID and perform a "POST /fulfillment/v2/redemptions/{id}/actions/redeem" to retrieve the code again.

We changed the behavior of the operation "POST /fulfillment/v2/promotions/{id}/rewards/{sku}/redemptions/actions/redeem" to directly return the reward code when reissuing a code if the Order ID and User Identity match. The first call that creates the redemption and consume budget will respond a 201 Created status while any of the following will respond 200 OK. We encourage you to adjust accordingly.

We are planning to release this change on June 11th on the Sandbox environment and on June 25th on the Production environment.

If you have any concerns, please reach out to us by email at apisupport@ifeelgoods.com

Ifeelgoods Tech Team
Posted Jun 03, 2015 - 18:30 CEST